
Why Is Richard Nixon Unethical

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Why Is Richard Nixon Unethical
After learning more about the Watergate scandal, I think that Richard Nixon calling the Watergate break-in “a crappy little thing that didn`t work” is frankly bullshit (excuse me language). This is coming from someone who actually admires much of what Richard Nixon got done as President, but no matter how much he accomplished as President Watergate looms over it all like a dark cloud. Everything about the scandal was at best unethical and at worst illegal. The scandal all start when five men broken into the Democratic National Committee offices looking for dirty on George McGovern the Democratic candidate for President. The five men were caught and apprehended and James McCord admitted that high-ranking White House officials helped plan the burglary. This admission combined with the investigative stories written by …show more content…
Had it not been for the work of these journalist in exposing the truth scandal may have never become national news, so we in fact must thank these men for their work in exposing the truth. Once the news was out President Nixon was forced to appoint Archibald Cox as an independent prosecutor. Furthermore, the Senate formed a special investigation committee in order to get to the bottom of everything. In a series of stunning testimony`s current and former White House aides admitted that criminal behavior was rampant in the administration, and potentially reached the very top of the administration, the President himself. In testimony give by White House aide Alexander Butterfield the nation was stunned to find out that President Nixon had secretly recorded Oval office conversations. This led to the special prosecutor and the Senate investigation

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