Carter Owen
In the Time Machine the time traveler know that a time machine will go a certain way depending on which way you push the lever. Wells finds out that the Morlocks are underground characters and Elois are surface creatures. After the time traveler finds out that the Morlocks has his time machine, he know that he has to go underground to find it. After the time traveler finds his time machine he now has to deal with getting through the Morlocks. Weena is afraid of the Morlocks because after dark they come out and kill the Eloi and take them back and eat them. This is why Eloi are afraid of the dark. The time traveler is force to go underground to find his time machine. The Morlocks are afraid of light and will not attack you in the light. The time traveler takes matches down with him but his match goes …show more content…
They both fall asleep and when the time traveler wake up he realizes that the Morlocks have stolen Weena. The Morlocks are carrying the time traveler away and he gets away and goes underground to find his time machine. He finds it and then his match goes out and he has nothing to strike his match against. After he gets in his time machine he goes forward with the lever and goes as far as he can into the future. He ends up on a beach and all he can see is lichen and snowflakes falling out of the sky. As he starts to look around he finds a lab and goes in and tells him he will be right back. He never came back. This book relates to what we have learned because time travel involves lots of energy and to travel thousands of years in the past or future. It also takes lots of formula and other things to build a time machine. Most people didn’t believe what the time traveler thought but for the most part he was right. The only thing that they have to show for the time traveler was an old