Mrs. Kriegbaum
Advanced Literature
Odyssey by Homer
This poem is not about odyssey journey but rather hummer explain the effort of loyalty and disloyalty within a community. This book talks about friends odyssey had who are loyal still loyal to him after 20 years. Loyal is how we make friends or respect someone. Odyssey had respect everyone who believed in him and he trusts him. Without loyal people wouldn't be friends or respect every Other. This world wouldn't be the same with loyalty. First body paragraph
This Poem talks about how loyal people are to us.(Qt) "Eumaios has the longing is on me for Odysseus, and he is gone from me and even when he is not here, my friend, I feel some modesty about naming him, for in his heart he cared for me greatly and loved me. …show more content…
His King odyssey has been done for 20 years. Most man wouldn't be calling odyssey master. Eumaios has respect for odyssey. Everyone thinks odysseus is dead but not Eumaios. Odyssey has been ago for a long time and Eumaios still calls him master. The other suitors have no respect for odyssey. There are copy of suitors who are loyal but not that much. Respect others.(Qt)“I’ll find you each a wife, give you possessions and build you houses near to mine; and from that day I shall regard you both as Telemachus’ friends and brothers”(Homer 359).( Cm) odyssey saying that this guys have been Loyal to odysseus and they believe in odyssey.Odyssey will pay them back because they have more loyalty. We will be friends forever.