The Arab Spring raises numerous issues in political philosophy such as the justification of the state, the nature of the state, and the role of the state, liberty, and property. All of these concepts are evident in these monumental series of events. Hobbes, John Locke, and Jean Jacques-Rousseau are believed to be the foremost political philosophers of Western Civilization.
Like Hobbes and Locke, Rousseau believed in the social contract theory. This theory states that there exists an arrangement among the governed to submit to a common authority. As a result, the governed surrender them to a sovereign authority. This theory is an attempt to answer the question, “What justifies the existence of the state?” Hobbes, Rousseau, and Locke were avid proponents of the social contract because they felt that the existence of the state was necessary for the flourishing of mankind. Locke is famously known for his emphasis on individual liberty and personal autonomy.
It began with a hapless and harried vegetable seller in the small Tunisian town of Sidi Bouazizi who met the full force of the kleptocratic Third World state. In such claustrophobic environments it is impossible to simply work hard and improve one’s lot. Without the right connections and network the ordinary subject is at the mercy of repressive state organs manifested in bribery, extortion, police harassment, petty bureaucracy, a mind-boggling array of rules that exist for no ostensible purpose, and no recourse to air any grievance. Having had his produce and scales confiscated and ignored by the governor who ignored him in a manner that had eerie echoes of French apathy towards demands for equality by a previous generation of Tunisians, Mohamed Bouazizi . was an educated graduate who eked out a living as a barrowman. He took the ultimate act of protest in desperation. He burnt himself alive in public on 17