It really bothers me that in the year 2015, I have to justify why being a homosexual is not abnormal behaviour. First off, how is being in love a person of the same gender any different than loving a person of a different one? Who is getting hurt in this situation? Why do some heterosexual people think that people that are homosexuals should not have the same rights as them? A person’s sexual orientation, much like somebodies race, is something that they are born with. Sure, one can try to shove opinions and hate down a homosexual’s throat, but deep down inside they will never be able to change who they are. Regardless if somebody is gay, straight, bisexual or anything in between, we are all humans and should be treated equality.
I don’t care what gay …show more content…
While it may be true that prisoners live better lives in prison than they did prior, spending a long amount of time reflecting on the crime the committed could give them a second chance at life. I have met some people that have worked as criminal justice lawyers and in prisons, and they have seen some of them become councillors and inspirational speakers. By having former prisoners working in those jobs, they can inspire others and potentially stop others from committing the same crime they committed. However, you also have to step into the family and loved ones of the person the killer murdered. Their families will never get full closure, and in some way the murderer will get away with murder. Having met somebody who lost a son, then to find out that the person who murdered him was released on bail; I do not believe that jail is a sufficient consequence for committing a murder. However, I also believe that after serving the necessary jail time, a murderer can make himself into a good person and help others by sharing their