Dialect: Teenagers have a hard enough time understanding English normally so teachers should stop teaching a dialect which is not used. Instead of teaching students Shakespeare in the original dialect, all the books should be converted into modern day English because this increases the potential for the students in the classes to do better and understand the English language. The students will receive the same meaning out of something they can actually comprehend which means they can read the book faster and learn more things in the English curriculum. Additionally, teenagers in today’s society would not uses this dialect so it is useless to try to understand it. In …show more content…
The majority of high school students would prefer to study works that are more modern because students can relate to a book that is in our era. An example would be using Bohr’s Rutherford theory of an atom despite it being proven wrong. Shakespeare is irrelevant to today's life because many traditions and language styles have been long forgotten. Although Shakespeare should not be forgotten, his works should simply be set aside for those interested. There are many great authors nowadays that can replace Shakespeare and be more understandable. Instead, modern day English should be taught using topics that are more relatable to the student’s lifetime. In conclusion we should not study Shakespeare nowadays because his writings are so farfetched from what students can relate