CHEM 110: Welcome!
Why should a non-science major study science? What are your answers?
• Take handouts from front table (3 of them plus a small, purple square of paper o o
• Begin by:
Filling in the information sheet (this will be turned in at the end of class) Forming groups of 4-5 students to proceed with Worksheet 1.1. This will not be turned in.
Why should a non-science major study science? Three possible answers
• Modern science influences culture and society in profound ways… o o o
Which of these goals do you consider to be most important? Choose only 1…
A. Acquiring information (facts, principles, concepts, etc.)
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B. Learning how to use information and knowledge in new situations.
• Decisions regarding scientific principles are often made by nonscientists, particularly politicians. • Science is a fundamental way to understand the world around us, revealing knowledge systematically that is not accessible by other means.
C. Developing skills to continue learning after college. Of course, they are all important!
Which of these goals can you best accomplish on your own, without help from your instructor or classmates?
A. Acquiring information (facts, principles, concepts, etc.) B. Learning how to use information and knowledge in new situations. C. Developing skills to continue learning after college. That’s the primary reason I require you to purchase a textbook for the class…. And to read it before coming to class
If students read the textbook carefully outside of class, then in class…
• “Lecture” over the same material can be used to efficiently reinforce factual and conceptual information • There are many opportunities for students to do self-assessment of their learning • There are more time to apply your knowledge to interesting applications
First Topic: The Scientific Method (I’ll discuss the syllabus later in class)
• You are probably somewhat