
Why Thanksgiving Is Important Essay

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Thanksgiving, one of the most joyful times of the year- unless you're a turkey. You see, this whole Thanksgiving thing started about four hundred years ago. In that time, more than 18000 million of my closest relatives have been murdered. I would escape but i'm a domestic turkey, so i can't fly. I were a wild turkey, i would waddle away from this place, after all, a am the biggest turkey in the pen. Many of the young fryers in my pen don’t know their fate, but I do. How does one of the most highly respected animals in the animal kingdom fall this low, I mean, we were almost the national symbol of the United States of America and now, we are being ripped apart, pulverized, and eaten by our own people. Us turkeys have to watch out for our own, it's a dangerous world out there. …show more content…

For example, we all get the necessary nutrients that every turkey deserves, we get those when we eat. Feeding time has always been one of my favorite times of the year. Our diet mainly consists of corn and soybeans. after that we all take a long nap, and when we wake up, we have social hour in which we play games and chat about whose dinner table we want to be on. It's a blast! By 12:30 we eat again- this is the time to be careful, and not make a fuss; this is the time when the butchers come for us.

For the most part, a turkey's life is good. it has its ups and downs, but over all i enjoy being alive. the only thing i would regret is not being able to be free. All turkeys deserve freedom. As thanksgiving comes around the corner, my dying wish it to have chickens served on thanksgiving, then i would be

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