Are you tired of eating disgusting school lunches? Since the moment Michelle Obama first enforced the new health standards, kids have been fighting back, and they have a good reason to. No one wants to eat a pile of peas or a whole grain tortilla. The issue is the changes made towards school lunches have been made for the worst.
We’ve already established that kids are being served healthy lunches. “But just because children are being served healthy lunches doesn’t mean they’re eating it,(Ferdman).” Most students aren’t used to eating vegetables and whole grains. To them that type of food is disgusting, and clearly kids aren’t eating the “disgusting” school lunches. Their throwing them away.In fact their hardly …show more content…
We need to keep in mind that “For many children food served at school may be the only food they regularly eat(Lets Move).” We need to make the lunches taste appetizing even it means adding a few more calories to the menu.
Another thing that we need to keep in mind is food that is served at home. Parents play a big role in keeping kids healthy. The kids may eat healthy at school, but thats not going to stop them from eating junk food at home(Lets Move). Some kids are probably never going to eat healthy. This shows the there are better ways to handle childhood obesity. Instead of trying to force healthy foods into the lunch menu we could teach students about exercising and staying fit. That way they’ll strive to be healthy outside of school to.
Yes,its true that more than 90% of schools have enforced the new health standards(Aubrey), but that doesn’t mean that its working out for the best. Some students are no longer eating the lunches, and some don’t even pay for hot lunch anymore. As a result of this some schools have even been talking about changing back to the old health standards for school