College in not cheap, it is quite expensive, and many people do not have the money to be able to pay and go to college. People would have to try to rely on grants, and financial aid to pay for college and that may not even be enough, In the article Do You Really Have to Go to College? it states “...going to school and graduating with an average of $26,000-plus in debt…” (Stephens) which allows people to see the amount people can accumulate of debt from college. The article proves that with even the benefits that college could offer there are big downsides that stand in the way of someone attending
College in not cheap, it is quite expensive, and many people do not have the money to be able to pay and go to college. People would have to try to rely on grants, and financial aid to pay for college and that may not even be enough, In the article Do You Really Have to Go to College? it states “...going to school and graduating with an average of $26,000-plus in debt…” (Stephens) which allows people to see the amount people can accumulate of debt from college. The article proves that with even the benefits that college could offer there are big downsides that stand in the way of someone attending