Consumer is considered as very important person to a marketer. A consumer decides what to buy, when to buy, for whom to buy, why to buy, from where to buy and how much to buy. To become an efficient marketer, one must know the likes and dislikes of consumers for his product. In the last fifteen years, various models have been developed for explaining the manners of consumers’ in common decision-making circumstances. A lot of these models are impressive in scope, but their strength to explain the behaviour of consumers has been considerably concealed. In fact, the majority research attempts so far have only been directed towards particular segments of the models rather than at the entire models. During a main study which endeavoured the testing of the entire Howard-Sheth model, the authors realized that many variables involved measurement and substantial definitional problems (Farley and Ring 1970).
Consumer behaviour
According to David Loudon and Albert J. Della Bitta consumer behaviour implies “the physical activity and decision process individuals engage in when acquiring, evaluating, disposing, and using of goods and services”. Consumer behaviour deals with how a customer acts or reacts or behaves in making a purchase of services and goods of his choice in various circumstances.( Rohracher, H(2003)), In the current world of promptly changing technology, consumer likings are also categorized by rapid changes. For existing in the market, an organization should consistently know the latest consumer tastes and trends. Consumer behaviour provides guidelines and invaluable clues to marketers on recent technological frontiers which they have to examine. For example, Lap Tops Mobile Phones, LCD Monitors, etc.
Importance of Consumer behaviour: • New aggressive competitors are rising with greater frequency. • Ever intensifying and increasing competition. • Change basis of rivalry. • Niche attacks are happening to be common. •