Zoom out for a second. Take a brief look at the individual shingles that make up your roof. Continue and you’ll realize the different geometric patterns and lines that compose the different roads, rivers, and county lines of your surrounding city. Go further, until you can make out the entire outline of the state you reside in. We are, in the grand scheme of things, an infinitesimally small particle in this gargantuan and indifferent universe. If you’ve ever returned home from a long vacation, you’ve probably thought to yourself, why here? Out of all the places habitable to man, what has led you to draw an X on this grid of the map?
I suppose that the reasons are ample and that they vary per individual. You may have certain family ties, or be interested in finding work in your bailiwick or perhaps you have a particular preference for warm weather, etcetera. We each have myriad of unique experiences and relationships that accrue over time from living in one place. Clint finished his post by stating, “there will be something about the Magic City, some hazy memory or vague nuance, tempting your inevitable return.” And this is true, but it is also true for any other large metropolitan city where you happen to be raised and nurtured.
One of our basic needs as human beings is to have a sense of belonging. I know that the Swiss Alps to be majestic because I’ve stood adjacent to them, but is it not worth as many coins to speak with someone about them or to bond with another who finds them just as beautiful as you? It is comforting to know that there are others who think like you, who share similar beliefs or ideas. Its no coincidence that churches have made it this far and that someone will attempt to swallow a spoonful of cinnamon to merely be accepted by his fraternity brothers.
Extrinsic from preferences, there are things about a city that can actually be quantified, think