To myself, I am my own super hero, but my weaknesses defeat me since I care so drastically for other people. I end up putting myself in harm’s way to be sure of their safety. As problems are thrown my way, I fight my nemesis for the sake of the world, quickly stopping my battle to defend the needy-getting blasted enemy away. As enemies fulfill my mind, I believe it took over my mind. I’ve been through everything from eating disorder to self-harm. My eating disorder took my mind and wrapped it around my body, twisting and turning my thoughts to make me believe in thing that weren’t true. Pulling my thoughts in and out of social anxiety and depression, my eating disorder destroyed my mind, leading my self-harm to destroy my body. My scar fills my legs and arms, trying to tell me who I am. They whisper to me saying, “You’re Worthless”, trying to manipulate my mind along with the eating disorders, to harm myself even more. Since I’m a super hero, I defeat my enemies and gained their power. It made me stronger than I ever was before.
Overpowering my hard nemesis alone it makes me proud to be who I am. Though I’m hard to understand; I’m brave and I’ll do anything it takes to get what I want. When I know I’m right, I stand up of what I believe and I won’t back down so it makes me as