The women in Afghanistan had all their Rights taken away when the new government was establish, going against the Charter of Human Rights declared by the United Nations. The following paper will investigate the perspectives of the United Nations, the women of Afghanistan and the Taliban on the issues of women’s right in Afghanistan. Taking away a person rights is a Crime against Humanity while the women in Afghanistan are put in situation of being harmed or in danger of being harmed. The paper will also suggest how this atrocity could be avoided.
According to the United Nations, all humans have specific right[1] that are obliged to follow. In Afghanistan, ever since the Taliban[2] took over, they change the laws of the country which gave the women very few rights[3].The laws that the Taliban enforce went against the Human Right Charter[4] that the United Nations enforce. Afghanistan has a Party[5] that had signed to the Convention on the Prevention of the Crimes of Genocide[6], the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights[7], the Convention against Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment[8], the Convention on the Rights of the Child[9] and the Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Person in time of War[10]. Also the Afghan Party signed the Convention on the Elimination of ALL forms of Discrimination against Women[11]. After the Taliban took over Afghanistan in 1996, they did not follow some of these Conventions that their Party had signed there for the United Nations stepped in to make sure that the women in Afghanistan were not put in situation of being harmed. The Unite nations ensured that the women participate in programs to be Equal with the men[12]. They establish Gender Advisers[13] and Human Right Adviser[14] in Afghanistan to implement equality and establish the rights that all humans have. The United Nations strongly, disagrees, the Discrimination