Leadership and Calling: The Role of Calling in a Woman’s Choice to Lead
Susan R. Madsen
Utah Valley University
Copyright © 2015 Susan R. Madsen
This manuscript explores the multifaceted phenomena of women, calling, and leadership by first providing literature and insight on the history, definition, related constructs, and benefits of the term “calling.” It then discusses the existing literature on the intersections arising among the constructs of women, work, leadership, and calling. The article concludes with a discussion of the applications to the leadership research, theory, and practice. The hope is that this piece will …show more content…
Both terms link “work to an overall sense of purpose and meaningfulness toward other-oriented ends, but only individuals with callings perceive the impetus to approach work in this manner as originating from a source external to the self” (p. 428).
Now, the term “calling” has also been defined in a variety of ways. Hall and Chandler
(2005) simply referred to it as “work that a person perceives as his purpose in life” (p. 161). Dik and Duffy (2009) defined it as a transcendent summons, experienced as originating beyond the self, to approach a particular life role in a manner oriented toward demonstrating or deriving a sense of purpose or meaningfulness and that holds other-oriented values and goals as primary sources of motivation. (p. 427)
In their research instrument, Davidson and Caddell (1994) described calling as follows: “My work has special meaning because I have been called to do what I 'm doing regardless of how much time it takes or how little money I earn; I was put on this earth to do what I am doing” (p.
138). Common themes in a number of definitions include that calling “arises from some