
Women Programmer By Ellen Ullman

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Women Programmer By Ellen Ullman
As Emma Watson, United Nations Goodwill Ambassador and Actress once said “For the record, feminism by definition is: “The belief that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities. It is the theory of the political, economic and social equality of the sexes.”” “How to be a “Women Programmer”” is a paper written by an American computer programmer and author, Ellen Ullman. This essay was originally published in the in 2013, and since then it has become a phenomena, this essay explains the author was affected by sexism in her career. She introduces a strong argument throughout the essay by presenting anecdote of her past experience in the field of computer science and other women in distinct professional fields. Furthermore, …show more content…
She briefly writes about which abilities are vital for this career; for example, the candidates have to be able to be passionate about her/his work, have to be able to understand the inner workings of a machine, and have to be able to have a high tolerance for failure. Then, the writer introduced the audience to the hierarchy that the programming field has. She supports this idea by giving an example of how it affected her in this specific field and the other women who work in distinctive fields. Finally, Ullman addresses this concern of our society allowing this problem to exist. She creates an emphasis on how women can strive away from having a career because of their gender, but if women want to create a successful career for themselves, they have to stop running away from this prejudice and instead face this issue head …show more content…
She allowed herself to be vulnerable enough to create a sincere picture for her audience. She explained and demonstrated through story how she felt that no matter what she was truly capable of, her co-workers would always see her as less. This allowed her to write about this type of discrimination she had to endure. Personally this subject presented in Ullman’s paper greatly raised a question for me on how men treat ladies, but also how women allow this treatment in the

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