
Women's Role In The Civil Rights Movement

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Women's Role In The Civil Rights Movement
During the late 1800s and early 1900s, women and women's organizations not only worked to gain the right to vote, they also worked for broad-based economic and political equality and for social reforms. In the area of politics, women gained the right to control their earnings, own property, and, in the case of divorce, take custody of their children. In the early 1800s, women were second-class citizens. Women were expected to limit their area of interest to the home and the family. Women were not encouraged to obtain a real education or pursue a professional career. After marriage, women did not have the right to own their own property, keep their own wages, or sign a contract. In addition, all women were denied the right to vote. Only after decades of intense political activity did …show more content…
The woman suffrage movement was a complete political movement, with its own press, its own political imagery, and its own philosophers, organizers, lobbyists, financiers, and fundraisers. The women’s suffrage opened many doors for the women of America and allowed them to achieve a greater role in the society.The suffrage created higher expectations for women. By the early twentieth century women were able to attend college and to train for professions although not in the same number as men. They began to enter immerse in male professions such as law, medicine, clergy, and corporate. Also women accomplished a bunch of new institutions. The women’s suffrage movement allowed for the women to secure their place in society and take a closer step to compete equality amongst the people in America. In the aftermath of the women’s suffrage movement women’s economic roles increased in society. Since there were more educational opportunities for women it led more and more woman to sense their potential meaningful professional

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