General Assignment Overview:
You will create a scrapbook of various texts (images, advertisements, videos, accounts, etc.) which demonstrate your understanding of the applicability of the course material. You will provide a short write-up (200-250 words) that provides relevant context and explains the precise connection of the text to course material. Your scrapbook entries will be posted to the class Tumblr account that your instructor and peers will follow. You are required to post one entry per week by the beginning of class on every Monday. Your first entry will be due January 27th. By the end of the semester, you will have a total of 12 entries.
Scrapbook Location:
At this point, you should have received an invitation (in your VCU email account) from Tumblr to join the “The Truth about Lying” group blog that Ryan and I have created. (This email should give you two options: 1) to create a Tumblr account to join the group or 2) become a member of the group if you have an existing Tumblr account). You should accept this invitation, as this space is where you will maintain your “Lying Scrapbook.” Remember, this is a required component of the course that is worth 20% of your grade.
Entry Instructions:
Every time you post a scrapbook entry, you MUST include the following information in the Title field:
1) Your Name (John Doe)
2) Scrapbook Entry Number (Scrapbook Entry: Week 1).
In the event of any technological failure (we do not receive your post, the blog crashes, etc.), you are responsible for providing entries upon request. Thus, you need to maintain a full record of each of your scrapbook entries on your personal computer. This will ensure that you have a personal record of your work that you can provide to us if necessary.
Each of your scrapbook entries will be worth 10 points and will be graded according to the following rubric.
Full (10 points): Student uses an example of a lie