Work Experience Project
Staffroom wall project
Art & Design 3, Mornings 12AD309
Terms of Reference
As requested as part of my communications module I must write a report on my investigation of my work experience in the art and design course that I am studying in Limerick College of further education.
This involves undertaking the job of creating a textile art piece for the staff room in Limerick College of further education, by working as a group with a community artist Meg Kenny. For this our class was asked to design a wall hanging piece for the staff room, this design consists of designing a wall piece to represent the four schools of limerick college of further education. The schools are art, business, childcare & science, and beauty & hair.
To do this we divided our class of twenty-four into four groups of six, giving each group a school of the college.
The group I was placed in was childcare & science. The six people in my group are Sheila, Deborah, Jennifer, Serne, Vlandemeire and I Nicole.
As a group we were asked to try and make this project out of as much recycled material were possible. One of our classmates Catharine provided each group with three by four feet of thick carpet to use as our base of our wall hangings. This will also help to observe some of the sound from the room and is also a recycled material so an eco friendly environment.
Terms of Reference 1 Methodology 3 Findings 4 Conclusions and recommendations 5 Apendix/Illustrations 6
Firstly we stared our project with research of the school of childcare & science, which concluded of interviewing the heads of the childcare &science departments in the college. We also brain stormed how we could interrupt what the heads of the departments told us about their work and what their job consists of into an art form that can be used in our wall hanging in the staff room. We decided that we would use the key words that