About the survey Attitudes to work–life balance Flexible working practices Awareness of legislative changes Working hours Disseminating information on flexible working Commentary References
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The Third Work–Life Balance Employer Survey for 2007 provides an up-to-date picture of work– life balance practices and attitudes in British workplaces with five or more employees. As the third survey in the series, it offers the opportunity of assessing change over time in relation to work–life balance issues and the impact of new legislation in this area. The research covers a wide range of issues including working hours, provision and take-up of flexible working arrangements, awareness of legislative changes, leave provisions, support for working parents and employers’ attitudes to work–life balance measures.
About the survey
The Third Work–Life Balance (WLB3) Employer Survey (987Kb PDF) was conducted by BMRB Social Research (BMRB) on behalf of the Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform (BERR) to coincide with the introduction of the provisions outlined in the Work and Families Act 2006 (131Kb PDF) on 1 April 2007. The survey was conducted among a random sample of 1,462 British workplaces – representing a 39% response rate – with five or more employees. Workplaces were randomly selected from the Inter-Departmental Business Register (IDBR). Larger workplaces were over-sampled; hence weights were applied to produce nationally representative estimates. All figures presented in this report are weighted. Interviews, lasting an average of 40 minutes, were conducted by telephone with a manager at each workplace who has day-to-day responsibilities for
References: Hayward, B., Fong, B. and Thornton, A., The Third Work–Life Balance Employer Survey: Main findings, BERR, Employment Relations Research Series No. 86, 2007. Hooker, H., Neathey, F., Casebourne, J. and Munro, M., The Third Work–Life Balance Employee Survey: Main findings, DTI, Employment Relations Research Series No. 58, 2007. EF/08/27/EN © European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, 2007 11