Student: Ramona Morrison P1012075
Lecturer: Franklin
Group: 36B
Working in partnership in health and social care is a collaboration of health care services that provide care in the health and social care sector. These can be Corporal, Organisations, Agency, Community service providers with shared interest. For effective service to be provided across the health care sector there must be a collaboration of shared information.
Working in partnership encourages social care to be examined and improved. Without collaboration of professional major problems could arise with collaboration major problems can be discussed and addressed.
Failure’s such as Victoria Climbie which …show more content…
There should been have been several intra agency collaborations as well as inter professional collaborations. These would have included GP, Midwife, Community Services, Social Services, Case Manager, Directors these are just some of the main focus professionals that would have been immediately involved with this case.
In Victoria Climbie case there were failures, this could bring you to the conclusion that there are dangerous flaws in the basic model of partnership working. With all models and strategies there will be need for improvement, development, reviews and evaluations. Even with the most effective Model of Partnership working and collaboration there will always be a new situation that arises that a team of professionals as a whole might not be aware of how to handle. But through working in partnership and using their individual training back ground the problem can be solve effectively and …show more content…
“The release of the Serious Case Review (SCR) report today, into the tragic death of Daniel Pelka highlights some key issues for VCF – The Victoria Climbié Foundation UK, not least the transparency of the council-led review and thus accountability following publication of the report”.
What we hope the report will help us to understand, is whether Daniel’s death could have been prevented, and whether the process was independent enough. Daniel was not a hidden child, thus within the current system, his death should, and could have been prevented.
“VCF continues to work together with all statutory agencies to facilitate effective coordination and engagement with the community. Our work within the community to raise awareness of child abuse in the context of the legal framework, and aspects of culture or faith, has demonstrated a greater willingness within communities to speak out about child abuse”.
“The recent reporting of this tragic case has brought the usual shock and reaction to the recurring tragedies that continue to happen, despite improvements to the child protection system. We have also seen increasing calls for mandatory reporting of child abuse by those working with children and