It will be beneficial for you to evidence your knowledge step-by-step on There would be a Forum set up, where you would have to provide your answers for each of the 5-steps/ questions below. You would need at certain points to rate and feedback on your own as well as other colleagues’ answers.
Your written report should aim to:
a) perform a detailed investigation of the Conceptual / Theoretical and, also, Legal Background about Working in Partnership in Health and Social Care.
Step 1. Outline one by one and then explain various philosophies and concepts of working in partnership in health and social care (1.1, M2).
(Lecturers will provide feedback, which can be given individually or as a group. Please note that lecturers will feedback on a sample of student work, i.e. at least 10 % of the total number of submissions.)
Step 2. Review current legislation and organisational practices and policies for partnership working in health and social care. (2.2. M2)
(Lecturers will provide feedback, which can be given individually or as a group. Please note that lecturers will feedback on a sample of student work, i.e. at least 10% of the total number of submissions)
Step 3. Explain how differences in working practices and policies affect collaborative working. (2.3., M1) (You should provide short feedback to your colleagues – peer-feedback)
b) use the information and data you have gathered from the Healthtalkonline case study in order to:
Step 4. Analyse models of partnerships working across the health and social care sector (2.1., M1)
(Lecturers will provide feedback, which can be given individually or as a group. Please note that lecturers will feedback on a sample of student work, i.e. at least 10 % of the total number of submissions.)
Step 5. Evaluate