because of low income, help them gain knowledge on different skills, and to obtain responsibility. Children that work at a younger age are able to help their families in order to live.
Without having the income that the children bring in, parents in low income households may have to decide which children to feed. additionally, schooling is extremely expensive in most of the growing world. Therefore, it is not odd to see some of the children working so that their other siblings may have a chance to attend school. Children work in order to guarantee the survival of their family and themselves. Some families have such a low income that every single member in their family needs to be working. Even Though the children do not get paid very well for all they do, they are still being major contributors to families of low income in growing countries. For example, “Poor households need the money, and children commonly contribute around 20 to 25 percent of family income. Since by definition poor households spend the bulk of their income on food, it is clear that the income provided by working children is critical to their survival” (Rose). Income from children can be an extremely huge support for poor families. In developing countries, the income of families has always been below poverty level and their lifestyle has remained the worst and uncomfortable. Moreover, in most cases weak or sick elder members cannot afford medication, accommodation, food and all other basic human needs. To ease the situation some income from children can have a big impact on
family. When the child is working from a young age they are able to receive knowledge of working skills for future jobs. Doing the same routine of tasks that require certain basic skills are usually picked up by children because they are at a stage where they are designed to learn. More amounts of children working have increased adult unemployment immensely and depress national wages. Young children working means that they are being taught new skills that are required for working, creating a society of adults whose skills and capacities have not been newly developed as much as they should have been. A skill that can be taught while working at a young age is solving problems. “If a child can solve problems, she can do any job. A new job might be intimidating to any of us, but really, it’s just another problem to be solved. A new skill, a new environment, a new need … they’re all simply problems to be solved” (Babauta). Another skill that young children learn while working is independence. “Kids should be taught to increasingly stand on their own. A little at a time, of course. Slowly encourage them to do things on their own. Teach them how to do it, model it, help them do it, help less, then let them make their own mistakes” (Babauta). When a child works at a young age he or she can obtain responsibility. Having to show up at work every day at a certain time can teach the children to become responsible. They get used to the same routine which helps them manage themselves in their tasks. In the future, they will already be used to having to show up on time for jobs. When children learn to take on responsibility for their behaviors and dedication, they tend to get things done and people will know that they can be counted on. Children begin to meet one’s commitments, accept credit when doing things right, and keeping ones words and agreements. “When you do what you have promised, people see you as a responsible and reliable person. This is quite admirable, as many people won’t deal with individuals who are irresponsible” (Bennett). When children have a high self-esteem, it helps them be responsible as well. Children usually feel a sense of capability when they feel like they have power and control in their lives. Having that sense of capability helps the child meet their obligations which increases responsibility. “Being trusted is a good feeling, and both children and adults like to feel they are capable of doing things on their own without any supervision. This boosts a person’s self-esteem and self-worth” (Bennett). In conclusion, children that begin to work at an early age can have some disadvantages but it has many beneficial outcomes. Developing countries have a large amount of people that support children working at a young age because they can use as much help as possible. The child working is caused mainly by trying to help in surviving. Jobs such as manufacturing, agriculture, hotels, restaurants, soldiering, and mining and quarrying are some of the jobs children have do in order to help their family. All in all, by working the child can contribute in low income homes, learning new skills for future jobs, and to obtain responsibility.