Kelly M. Giminiani
PSY/320 - Human Motivation
August 4, 2014
Bernadette Tjarks, Ph. D.
Workplace Motivation
Time Warner Cable Inc. (TWC) is the second largest provider of video, high-speed data, and voice services in the United States. The organization connects over 15 million customers and employs over 50,000 people (Time Warner Cable, Inc., 2014).
Rob Marcus, Chairman and CEO understands the commitment and importance of Time Warner Cable. "Across our footprint, we have built a corporate social responsibility strategy for our business that we believe best represents those areas that we can most effectively influence and positively impact for the future benefit of all of our communities" (Robert D. Marcus, personal communication, January 1, 2014).
According to TWC 's career center (2014), "A career with Time Warner Cable gives you the opportunity to feed your passion and foster personal growth. All while helping our customers take control of their lives through services that are simple and easy. They are free to watch their favorite TV shows whenever they want to watch them. Free to upload, download and do everything in between on the Internet. Free to get content wherever and whenever they are on the go. And this freedom works for you too, as you strive to attain your own personal career goals. All it will take is your enthusiasm - and a company like Time Warner Cable" ("Company Overview").
Words, such as passion, foster, simple, strive, and personal career goals are ways TWC tries to improve performance by motivating its employees. Currently, TWC is working toward a merger with Comcast. The news has created an internal cultural shift. There are a lot of questions, anxiety, and fears. To ensure that the company continues to move on a successful financial path, Marcus and leaders are working to increase productivity, remain transparent, and implementing motivational programs for its employees.
There are two motivational theories;
References: Gelles, D. (2014, March 20). $80 Million for 6 Weeks for Cable Chief. The new York Times. Retrieved from Pink, D. (2009). The Surprising Science to Motivation [Video file]. Retrieved from Films Media Group website: Quigley, N. R., & Tymon, Jr., W. G. (2006, April). Toward an integrated model of intrinsic motivation and career self-management. Career Development International, 11(6), 522- 543. doi:10.1108/13620430610692935 Reeve, J. (1997). Understanding Motivation and Emotion (2nd ed.). Orlando, FL: Harcourt Brace & Company. Reeve, J. (2009). Understanding Motivation and Emotion. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Self-Management. (2005). In Encyclopedia of School Psychology. Retrieved from Time Warner Cable Inc.. (2014). Company Overview. Retrieved from