PFC Serna
18 AUG 12
When I joined the army, the first thing I learned was safety. You may be aware of the importance of safety and workplace concept, but you may not have reflected on the rationale behind it. It is likely that there are in all probability more reasons than you have considered
First, safe and healthy environment in the workplace benefits everybody. When people feel safe and are healthy their productivity at work increases. This in turn benefits the company. The number of work hours lost due to illness and injuries is also decreased in a safe and healthy workplace. Everyone will be more productive. Second, a safe and healthy work atmosphere in reduces the risk of avoidable problems. It is in the interest of the company to provide safe and healthy workplace if it needs to avoid dealing with complaints or lawsuits from its soldiers arising from injuries while at job. Third, companies emphasizing on tidy, organized and safe work environment help boost the individual and the company’s morale as a whole. This encourages everyone working there to do their best and feel good about getting the job done.
Ensuring the safety at workplace does not require huge investment of time or money or other resources. All you need is to establish the basic framework and pathways to achieve the desired targets. Everyone working in the company should be made aware of their responsibility to follow the local policies, provided training with regular updates then the whole environment will become safe and healthy. When individuals practice the safety at workplace on daily basis it becomes a second nature. Workers should be encouraged to report near misses which are critical in developing new strategies and safeguards against possible mishaps. Safe and healthy workplace leads to confident and productive workers.
Prosperous companies make efforts to ensure their workers safety as these companies have realized the importance of healthy and