So as you can probably predict at this point, to have a Christian worldview simply means to have a Christian point-of-view on life. This means that you’ll live your life making all your actions based on what you’ve been taught by the bible. To have a Christian worldview means that you’ll relate everything that happens in the world to Christianity.…
Introduction: The term "image of God" occurs three times in the Bible. In Genesis 1:26-27 and 9:6, we find out that man is created in the image of God. In 2 Cor. 4:4 we see the phrase used in reference to Jesus who is the "image of God." There is no exact understanding of what the phrase means, but we can generalize. It would seem that the first two verses refer to God's character and attributes that are reflected in people. The term cannot be a reference to a physical appearance of God since Jesus says in John 4:24 that God is Spirit, and in Luke 24:39 Spirit does not have flesh and bones. Therefore, we can conclude that the image of God deals with humanity's reflection of God in such things as compassion, rationality, love, hatred, fellowship, etc. God exhibits all of these characteristics, as do people.…
What is a worldview? A worldview is how people see the world and how they interpret the world around them. A worldview is also how people live their lives, how they make decisions and what they believe is reality. To some a worldview is so very important in their lives and to others it is not something they think about very often or not as important. What worldview you believe in helps you answer some important question like how did humans get here and what is their purpose in life. There are many worldviews in this world. Some believe in God (Christians, Catholics, Mormons…), some believe there is no God (Atheist), others believe we live in heaven eternally after death (Christians), and some believe were are reincarnated (Buddhism). The Christian worldview is very important to Christians. The most important parts of the Christian worldview are God, humanity, Jesus and restoration.…
Often times, new believers are encouraged to read through the book of Romans. This is because Paul is able to break down essential aspects of the Christian life in a way that is both probing and encouraging. It covers aspects of the natural world, human identity, relationships, and culture. As with every word of the Bible, this book transcends time and culture and speaks as much in todays’ time as it did to the Roman church to who Romans was originally written. As believers in Christ, it is important to live these truths so that He may use our lives for His glory and honor.…
Worldview Melinda Smalts Liberty University Online Worldview What is a worldview? Worldview is your way of interpreting, seeing or filtering the world you live in.…
Romans is a book in the New Testament that’s was written by the Apostle Paul, somewhere around the winter 56 57 AD from the city of Corinth. The Christians was addressed and living under the reign of Nero. The Orthdox Church and (the Roman Catholics) credits Peter as founding the church in around 42 AD. ( Towns 2012, 130-131 ) There were an estimated 4 million inhabitants in Rome during this period of history. Nero himself was know for his cruelty and excessive life style he was also consider a lunatic.…
A worldview is how someone sees life, reasons for making decision, and the filter they use to understand life and everything in it (Weider & Gutierrez, 2011). Knowing what a worldview is makes it easier to understand what a Christian Worldview is. A Christian Worldview uses the Bible as its filter for understanding the world around us and how we should act. Paul addresses a lot of perspectives of the Christian Worldview in his letter to the Romans. Paul touches on the Christian worldview in the areas of the natural world, human identity, human relationships, and culture.…
Buddhism is a way of life that is continuously growing due to a variety of reasons. The word, Buddhism, derives from “budhi”, which means “to awaken” (White, 1993). There are various, diverse types of this philosophy. The Dhamma or truth, which is the core of this instruction, is the only constant (White, 1993). This is one on many worldviews prevalent in today’s society. This particular worldview, Buddhism, will be compared and contrasted with the biblical worldview.…
Science was not discovered until the late 1500s when Galileo decided to challenge Aristotle‘s findings. During the Biblical days, research design and program evaluation were used by important people; however, they did not refer to them by the same names. From Genesis to Revelations, there are examples where people used scientific evidence to solve problems and study ideas. In this paper, the researcher will demonstrate some of these important people in the Bible and how they used different research designs and program evaluations to solve problems.…
My worldview is how I live my life according to certain beliefs, morals, and values. As it states in (Cosgrove, 2006) a worldview is a set of assumptions, or presuppositions, that are generally unconsciously held but affect how we think and live (pg.20)”. For me to be aware of my worldview will help me make right decisions in life. Analyzing the assumptions, addressing questions all align with a Christian worldview.…
In Paul’s epistle to the Romans he gives us the foundation of Christian life in regards to how we should not only see the world, but also how we should act in a world that rejects the gospel of Christ. In Romans 1-8 Paul teaches us how we are not able to come to a saving grace through our works, but that it must come from Christ alone, and not only to the Jews, but to the Gentiles also. Paul tells us however, that this will not be easy, but we that we need to remember who is ultimately in control of everything around us.…
The first four commandments focus on the relationship between man and God. They command man to revere God and worship Him only. Further, the Sabbath day should be honored as the day a man focuses on their creator. On the other hand, the other six, focus on the relationship between man and another. The emphasis is that people should live harmoniously with one another, thus eliminating vices such as murder, stealing, disrespect, adultery, coveting and bearing false witnesses (Exodus 20, King James Version).…
I believe that Worldview is seriously influenced by culture, knowledge, politics, religion and upbringing. Therefore, it is not uncommon to meet people who view the Bible as mythical literature. Hence there have been occasions when I have found myself in an intense debate about whether or not information in the Bible is real. As a result, there have been occasions…
The term Worldview has several different ways it can be defined, and because it is so complex some people mistakenly think they don’t have one. But it is very important to understand that we all have a worldview, even if we don’t realize it. Worldview is a person’s viewpoint of life, it is the frame work in which a person makes decisions. Some people view it as their moral compass, while others view it more as a lens or filter in which they use to interpret the world around them.…
There is currently a major dispute on whether or not the United States Constitution correlates with a Biblical worldview. When the founders wrote the Constitution they wrote it based on what had thrived within many previous civilizations and people groups such as the Roman, the Greek, and the Hebrew which happens to be, the Bible. Research shows that, the U.S. Constitution was written by deriving ideas from several different philosophers, and many principals and passages from the Bible.…