The following information will hopefully put your minds at ease as investors and show you the possibility of money to be made with my company. I have years of experience in this field and would like to finally make not only myself money but you as well in my pursuit of running a chain of sports café’s. I believe this idea has great potential of immediate success and growth for the future.
To start of the name of the sports café I wish to start is “The Huddle.” This is a named after a football reference and feeds into the concept of my sports café theme. This concept will have sports décor and flat screens every where the eye can see to keep everyone engaged into the games and events going on around them. This concept is geared towards those dad and mothers alike who wish to enjoy sporting events or just good food in a family environment suitable to bring you children to day or night. For those who do not drink or do not want our children around the types of things that go on in sports bars this is a family appeal and good time for the family. There will be great food served and a fun sports atmosphere to keep everyone happy, full, and more than family friendly. Since there will be no alcohol served this café will only be open from 7am to 9pm on any given night unless a sporting event should exceed that time frame.
For the purpose of this business there is a good amount of capital and overhead that is needed to cover expenses for start up. The large array of things such as stove, ovens, furniture, sporting memorabilia, construction etc is why I have chosen to begin this company as a partnership. I alone do not nor can I get a loan large enough to cover the expenses to start it up until the doors are open to the public to begin making money back. So with all those factors in consideration I feel a limited partnership with you as the investor. This would mean that within this partnership I would be the general partner whom owns and