Life among a large portion of the Urban African American population is casual, precarious, and fragmentary. It lack continuity and its roots so not go deeper than the contingencies of daily living. This affects the socialization of African American children. With a fourth to a third of African American families in cities without a male head, man African American children suffer the initial handicap of not having the discipline and authority in the home. African American mothers who have the responsibility for the support of the family are forced to neglect their children who pick up all forms of socially disapproved behavior in the disorganized areas in which these families are concentrated. (Tucker, 1995, pp. 4)
Tucker statement illustrates the need for African American men to commit and marry in order to help raise the next generation. This make sense even today as one can look at the number of kids in schools and the juvenile system who have been found to consistently get into trouble. When looked into the delinquents personal background it is common to find them coming from a house hold lacking a male