1) Identify the organs of the endocrine system, including their locations and structures.
Hypothalamus: Is located below the thalamus just above the brainstem.
Pituitary: Is location within the sella turcica which is a dip in the sphenoid bone. Structures are tropic hormone and neurohypophysis.
Thyroid: A) Location: anteriorly, above the thyroid glad. B) Structures are the isthmus connecting the two lobe and thyroid follices and network of capillaries
Adrenal: A) Location: sit on superior border of each kidney, it has 3 regions which are the capsul, adrenal cortex and adrenal medulla.
Pancreas: A) Location: within the abdominopelvic cavity btw the inferior border of the stomach. B) Structures are cluster of gland cells and attached ducts, and the islets of langerhans
Pineal: A) Location: lies in the posterior portion of the roof of the third ventricle. B) Structures are neurons, neuroglia and pinealocytes.
Parathyroid: A) Location: posterior surface of the thyroid gland.
2) Describe the structural classification of hormones.
The Structural classification of hormone are “amino acid derivatives” which is a group of hormones called catecholamines (consist of four different hormones) and melatonin. “Peptide hormones” include all hormone from the hypothalamus, heart, thymus, digestive tract and pancreas and most of the pituitary gland. Peptide hormone are synthesized as prohormones and range from short chains to small proteins. Lastly, “lipid derivatives”, these hormones consist of carbon rings and side chain which can be fatty acids (ex; Eicosanoids, which is very important for cellular activities) or cholesterol.
3) Define the term hormone receptor.
A hormone receptor is a receptor on the surface of a cell (or interior) that binds to a specific hormone causing some form of reaction.
4) Identify the three mechanisms by which the hypothalamus integrates neural and endocrine function.
The three