Appendix D
Selecting a Topic and Brainstorming Worksheet
Complete the following and post as an attachment.
|List two objects, people, subjects, or concepts you are going to |Jenny craig vs Nutrisystem |
|compare and/or contrast. | |
| | |
|What are the similarities between the two objects, people, |1.They both offer weight loss solutions |
|subjects, or concepts? List as many similarities as you can. |2.They both have pre- package and pre- pared meals. |
| |3. All foods are prepared to have low calories and low fat |
| |contents. |
| |4.They both encourage exercises. |
| |5.They both give you a list of foods. |
| |6.They also provide different ways of support to help meet your |
| |goals. |
|What are the differences between the two objects, people, |1. The major difference between the two diet plans is the level |
|subjects, or concepts? List as many differences as you can. |of support and when and how you receive it. |
| |2.The cost.