Foundations of College Writing, Fall 2013
Instructor: Christine Nicodemus (Sections 65, 66, 130, 113)
Phone: (252) 328-1538
Office: Bate 2135
Office Hours: Monday 5-5:40, Tuesday 2-3:15, Wednesday 1:20-2:35 and 5-5:40, Thursday 2-3:15
Other meeting times can be scheduled if necessary/feasible; please email me to arrange a time.
**Important Course Requirement**
As the semester progresses, keep all of your projects, including all drafts, all peer review comments, and all feedback from me. You will need this material to complete the final major assignment in the course.
Course Description from Catalog and Purpose Foundations of College Writing (formerly Composition I) is an introduction to expository, analytical, and research-based academic writing. Instruction includes learning to read critically; developing, supporting, and organizing ideas; drafting and revising; understanding grammatical conventions; proofreading and editing; and other important aspects of the writing process. Successful writing is purposeful and audience-specific. It requires writers to reflect carefully on their decisions and those of other writers. Writers must also be aware of the conventions that guide those decisions and must employ strategies for generating ideas, organizing materials, drafting, and editing their own work. * English 1100 will promote your facility with critical reading and writing by helping you to do the following: * Discover significant questions to explore and address via writing * Explore the many different purposes of writing, including writing to reflect, analyze, explain, and persuade * Practice drafting and revising * Increase your awareness of organizational strategies and your ability to apply them * Become attentive to how audience and purpose affect content, tone, and style * Incorporate sufficient and