Councilman Walker:
“I grew up with two mothers. At an early age all of my friends started to notice that this was not normal, however I did not understand what they meant with this remark, ‘not normal’. To me I can’t think of anything more normal than growing up with two parents who love and care for you. When I would get sick they would take care of me, when I was sad they comforted me and when I misbehaved they would teach me what I should have done. Whilst most people are affected by ruined marriages between their parents I had the fortune of growing up in an almost perfect marriage.
Sometimes marriage does not work. Sometimes the man may drink too much, sometimes someone cheats; sometimes they simply notice that they were not simply to be together. This leaves the children with nothing but a broken hearts and shattered dreams. Dreams about finding their soul mate will no longer exist for them. This did not happen to me. Unlike my mothers, I am heterosexual, but like them, I have found the love of my life. She is my soul and life and I would have never found her if not for the consideration they had with me and themselves. They taught me how to fight for love.
They suffered from prejudice, and still do. They had to fight for their right to love each other and this is what I respect the most about them. In fairy tales the prince fights for the princess, so how come when two women fight for each other this is an outrage. What right does anyone have to criticise them? Certain people say that homosexuality is a sin, but I can only say that I thank god that I was raised by my two mums. I just hope that more people could have been raised by parents as much as loving, caring and brave as them.“
Councilman Johnson:
“I am a religious man. I go to church every Sunday, just like any other red blooded Christian American does. I frequent Saint Michael church and am a close friend of Father Ignatius. He told me himself that gay is a sin and that God will punish those who not only participate but also those who do not oppose this satanic activity. Marriage is supposed to be between a man and a woman, this is the way god intended, the way he created Adam and Eve. Not only should we prohibit gay marriage but also educate our young to never consider it, this way we may have a chance to end with this disease and save our citizens from eternal doom. By not helping them we are condemning them and ourselves to the fires of hell and I swear to god I will not let this happen. As a godly man I will do whatever I need to do to help good, honest man to stay away from Satan and the gays dwelling in his garden of flames. Thank you and god bless America!”
Councilman McDonald:
“California has introduced act 237- J into action in June 2004. This act states that no citizen can be prohibited to marry someone of the same sex marriage. This act is what is being discussed in this meeting to decide the future of this great State of Texas. In California there are twenty per cent less homicide crimes than in Texas, fifteen per cent less rape incidents then Texas and the percentage of the poor population in California is significantly smaller than the one in Texas. In Texas sixty four per cent of the marriages end up in divorce. In California this number reached only fifty two per cent. In 2012 Texas was named the state with the most aggression against the minority throughout the whole country. It overtakes California not only in this statistic but also, child abuse, corruption, theft, firefights, racist aggressions, illiteracy, children without education, child abandonment, drug incidents and bullying.
All of these statistics are proving something. They are proving that in order to grow up and become a successful adult one does not require heterosexual parents. One requires a fully functional and loving family. By giving the opportunity to people follow their hearts they are being able to have a normal deserving life and give their children the chance to do the same. I am not saying that homosexual marriages are better or more natural than heterosexual ones. I am saying that God gave man the right to choose their life and by doing so the whole system will work more naturally.
Thank you.”