Homosexuality, is it right? Is it not right? Should society accept it? Should society not accept it? Gays should be allowed to marry? Gays should not be allowed to marry? These are some questions that our country is struggling with. My personal opinion is that you cant change people but God meant for man and women to be together so it should be against the law for two people of the same sex to show affection in public or at all and especially illegal to have same sex marriages. I have shared my opinion and now I will share the opinion of other people on the same subject. Tom Ambrose is a man that believes homosexual behavior is immoral, he wrote a chapter about it in the book “Homosexuality” he truly believes that homosexual …show more content…
behavior not only should be illegal but he also says “Homosexuals engage in irresponsible sexual practices that God has declared sinful.” So he thinks that it is a sin to be involved in homosexuality. Another remark he makes is “The bible makes it clear that all sexual behavior outside of heterosexual marriage is sin against God.” Another man who thinks that homosexual behavior is not right and that society should not accept it is John Corvino who calls the growing rate of homosexuals the “Lavender Revolution” he says “The Lavender Revolution must be stopped because homosexuals seek to usurp the traditional family values.” Corvino obviously thinks that homosexual behavior is bad for society and it should be outlawed from our families or it could be a bad influence on our children. Even Volfson is another author in the book “Homosexuality” and he wrote a chapter about weather or not gays and lesbians should be allowed to marry and his argument was toward it being illegal for gays and lesbians to marry because it tears down traditional family values to have same sex marriages and especially letting them be in public and interacting with the community it is a very bad example that is being set for our children. He also points out that the bible declares same sex marriage a sin and even if society will allow it we as Christians should not. There are many people in the world who think that homosexuality is not necessarily a good thing but if a person chooses to be gay or a lesbian then they should have that choice and we should not be able to stop them.
People like Paul Varnell who thinks that homosexual behavior is not immoral or like William Norman Gregg who thinks homosexuality should be accepted by society and Stanley w. Kurtz who thinks that gay marriages and lesbian marriages should be legal. I think that they are all crazy because I agree with the first three people that were totally against gays and lesbians joining together with their same sex, but here are just some of their thoughts.
Paul Vernell who I mentioned earlier, thinks that homosexuality in no way shape or form is immoral is perfectly fine. He says “Homosexuality is not immoral nor unnatural, we as humans do not chose our mate on outward appearance or even sex, we chose based on who the person is.” He also points out that he is not a Christian so he does not believe that pretty much anything the bible says is true so it does not bother him that God points out homosexuality as a sin. Paul Vernell is very serious about defending homosexuality but he also points out that he is …show more content…
heterosexual. “Society should accept homosexuality” says William Norman Gregg, he is also a fighter on the side of gays and lesbians accept this time he actually is one so he is defending himself in this argument as well as all the others who share his view of life and other people.
He quotes “I do not understand why society as a whole does not appreciate homosexual behavior because homosexuals do nothing and have done nothing to disturb the peace of the public.” Mr. Gregg thinks that homosexual couples are no different than any other married couple in the world the only difference is in what people make it he thinks that society blows homosexuals way out of proportion and they should just be ignored and treated like everyone else. Finally we get to Stanly W. Kurtz with the opinion that gays and lesbians should be allowed to marry I already pointed out that I think this should be incredibly illegal with a huge punishment but Stanly thinks that there should be marriage between same sex couples, he himself has a husband. He says “marriage is the bond between two people with love it should not matter what sex they are, if two people love each other why keep them apart.” His quote pretty well shows his opinion, he doesn’t view people as men and woman he just looks at the inside of a person which he thinks everyone should
do. That was the opinions of some people and I have shared mine but none of these should matter because god says that homosexuality is a sin so we should avoid it.
Ambrose, Tom. Homosexual Behavior is immoral. N.p.: n.p., 2003. 12-23. Print.
Varnell, Paul. Homosexual behavior is not immoral. N.p.: n.p., 2003. 23 -30. Print. corvino, john. Society should accept homosexualit. N.p.: n.p., 2003. 50-59. Print. gregg, william N. Society should not accept homosexuality. N.p.: n.p., 2003. 59-66. Print. volfson, even. Homosexuals should be allowed to marry. N.p.: n.p., 2003. 78-88. Print. kurtz, Stanley w. Homosexuals should not be allowed to marry. N.p.: n.p., 2003. 88-99. Print.