October 15,2012Different Types of People in Church In the small town of Chester, New Jersey, we can come across many different types of people, each unique. We can learn a lot just by watching them. Although several people may look alike, they are different in so many ways and no two people look exactly the same. Sunday is the day when many people relax, go to church, pray and thank God for the good week. I usually sit in the front of the church, but this Sunday, September 23, 2012, I sat in the back. From the back of the church I had a good view of the all people attending Mass that day. As I was observing I separated people into three groups. The first and most obvious group were the families with small children. The families mostly sat in the front rows of the church or in the special room for families behind the glass, so the kids would not disturb the others. Those people were dressed very casually, often in matching colors.
They were listening to the priest, but mainly focused on their kids. Those people were constantly moving. They ran around after the children and made them sit quietly, usually by giving them food and toys. The other group were teenagers who you cannot miss. When you walk into the church they are right there all way in the back and far away from the altar. They do not know what the priest is saying because they are too busy talking with each other. That was the loudest area in the church. They are text-messaging, laughing, and talking about how the Saturday night party went. They were just sitting on the steps and waiting for the Mass to be over. In between those two groups were the elderly people. They are usually in the church early before 10 o’clock so they can pray before the Mass starts. They sit closer to the front so they can hear better. This group was very relaxed, not in a hurry and focused on the Mass. On Sunday they spend a good