1. Symptoms that Something Has Gone Wrong Employee dissatisfaction Decreased productivity Poor customer service/high rate of customer complaints Low …show more content…
YakkaTech, Inc. Corrective Measures Create a cross training program. This program will give employees more knowledge and identify how each department operates. In the Four Drive Theory, the additional training would fulfill the Drive to Comprehend, related to the needs for growth and self-actualization from Maslow’s Hierarchy. Once cross training has been completed, job rotation can be utilized to give more task variety and provide task significance. The employees will then comprehend how their job affects the customer and the company. This will add meaningfulness, providing for higher growth satisfaction and general satisfaction. Create a Customer Service Survey. The survey allows customers to give positive and negative feedback, enabling managers to see where training is needed for improvement and what areas their employees already excel. The survey provides a means to identify the centers that are providing outstanding customer service. Those practices could then be employed at other centers to increase their feedback …show more content…
Having a two-year waiting period before receiving the profit sharing payout could be seen as holding the company employees as hostage. Create an algorithm that provides for differences in longevity, job tier, and amount to be disbursed overall. Employee rewards are best when given as soon as possible; two-year waiting period is not conducive to the profit sharing to be a true reward. Works Cited
“The Best Ways to Reward Employees.” Entrepreneur, 9 Jan. 2005, www.entrepreneur.com/article/75340.
Huselid, Mark A. “The Impact of Human Resource Management Practices on Turnover, Productivity, and Corporate Financial Performance.” The Academy of Management Journal, vol. 38, no. 3, June 1995, p. 639., www.jstor.org/stable/256741 .
McShane, Steven Lattimore., and Von Glinow Mary Ann Young. Organizational Behavior Emerging Knowledge Global Reality. McGraw-Hill Education, 2015.
Michalowicz, Mike. “101 Ways to Reward Employees (Without Giving Them Cash).” 101 Ways to Reward Employees (Without Giving Them Cash), American Express® for Small Business, 2018, smallbusiness.americanexpress.com/ca/en/big-ideas-for-small- business/employee-retention-and-engagement/101-ways-to-reward-employees-without-