What is attitude?
An attitude is a behavior that represents an individual's likes or dislikes for something. Attitudes are generally positive or negative views of a person, place, thing, or an event this is often referred to as the attitude object. People can also be conflicted or unsure toward an object, meaning that they simultaneously possess both positive and negative attitudes toward the item in question.
Thomas Jefferson says” Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.”
Now what is YOU-ATTITUDE?
The you-attitude is a style of writing. In professional writing, the "you attitude" means looking at a topic from the reader's point of view ("you") instead of our own ("me"). The key to successful communications is to make the reader feel in every memo, in every letter, in every email, in every phone call, in all contact that the most important person in our business relationship is YOU, the READER, not me/I, the writer. The positive and Negative you-attitude:
Positive emphasis is a style writing which focuses on what CAN be done and not on what can't be done. When we emphasize the positive, we convince the reader we know what we're doing and are goal-oriented. When we emphasize the negative, we sound unsure and indecisive.
1. Focus on the what CAN be done. Here are some negative emphasis sentences from students' course goal memos. Notice how the negativity makes the students sound lost or confused.
Not: I will try to do my best.
But: I will do my best.
Here are more examples of what can't be done (negative emphasis) vs. what CAN be done (positive, you attitude!)
Not: It will be impossible to open an account for you until you send us your signature card.
But: Your account will be open as soon as you send us your signature card.
2. When a negative is necessary, use the least negative, most tactful term.
Not: Because you