We have a lot of choices in life. We can choose to look at things the negative way and always see the dark side of situations, or can choose to be positive and live a happy and fulfilling life.
Why is it so important to live a positive life? Because it's much more fulfilling. Optimism goes hand in hand with positive mood and good morale. It is also linked to athletic and academic success- to success in career and politics, to better health and longer life and positive individuals are much more attractive to people than negative ones are.
It is true - the rates of depression and negativity among people have never been higher than they are today. These days it is affecting older, middle aged and younger people all the same way.
Although it is not the easiest thing in the world to change in our life, it is important to realize that thinking negatively instead of positively is a matter of choice. We can choose to be positive or negative.
Recent studies have shown that positive people are hit by the same hardships in life as negative people. The difference lies in how they deal with it..
Positive people tend to be convinced that moments of pain are only temporary set backs, and that these set backs occur in order to learn from and become stronger. Negative and pessimistic people tend to believe that unfortunate events influence everything they do in life. They are convinced that the situations are long lasting, and tend to think that such events take place because it's routine or because they deserve it..
Optimistic people see these negative events as challenges and opportunities, which pushes them to try even harder to get over the humps. You'll never hear them say things like " this always happens to me" or "things will never change".
They believe that when such statements are actually being expressed they will