M1 Compare the roles of different members of the team
When we initially discussed how we would assign the roles within the business, we all agreed that it would be fair to spread the responsibilities equally and so therefore decided that each member would be equal in the business and that we would not each have specific roles.
At the beginning of starting up WetPhish we decided to use the Belbin Team roles to assess which areas each individual would be suited towards. Once deciding on which team roles brought out our strengths, we were appointed different tasks to complete to achieve our first objectives of the business which included market research, starting up our financial accounts and contacting other business to see whether they would be interested in working with us.
Personally I would say that I fit into the ‘Resource Investigator’ team role which meant I was a highly optimistic towards the business goals and the success it could achieve. I felt that this role would be best suited towards a market research role in the business if we were to have used the traditional roles of managing director, finance director etc. I feel that it is essential for me to be able to develop contacts as this means that we could communicate with the appropriate people and necessary businesses quickly and efficiently. Being a resource investigator means that my allowable weaknesses are being over-optimistic, however I feel that it is essential that I have and enthusiastic attitude in order to motivate other members of the team but it is also essential that I remain realistic. In terms of the other member of the team, I feel that each individual had their own Belbin team role and therefore contributed different qualities. One member of the team was specifically specialised in the finance of the business and personally I found when researching the Belbin roles he matched the ‘plant’ role. The main advantages of this