Trying to meaningfully address the unacceptable tags youth of color are placed after being criminalized for sometimes minor acts. As historical roots and minority status play an essential role with these criminalizing categories. People of colors have been oppressed and discriminated throughout history. Racism remains today evident in our society structures. Neighborhoods are categorized by the population groups that are inhabitant it creating stereotypes and separation. Many like myself have witness many incidents in which young Latinx youth and youth of color are being targeted by the police. Only within these minority community we see abundance in drug trafficking, criminal activities, murders, high rates of ex-incarcerated, ex-rapist along with other …show more content…
Perhaps as a Latina I want to support my brothers and sisters of color but I believe that the white population which is viewed as the high hierarchy by the racist, are criminals as well. White youth sale and consumes drug, and they also engage in criminal acts. If this is the case how can we justify the stereotypes of color youth being highly criminalize rather than the white youth? I look at this from the perspective that we do not see much policing within white neighborhood, the public highly sees these neighborhoods as safe and