While only 19% of teenage girls are ‘overweight’, 67% think they ‘need to lose weight’.
(UK Teen Body Image Survey, Jan 2004, Bliss magazine)
2/3 of teenage girls would consider plastic surgery and 20% would do it right now.
(mykindaplace.com survey, 1,800 teenage girls, 2005)
What are ‘self-esteem’ and ‘body image’?
- Being happy to be you
- Accepting your body as it is
- Holding your head up high about the way your body is
- Not being conscious of your body
What affects them?
What can we do to strengthen them?
Females naturally gain 40lbs between the ages of 8 and 14?
81% of 10yr olds are afraid of being fat?
Twenty years ago, models weighed 8% less than the average woman. Today, they weigh 23% less than the average woman.
About 7% of 12th grade males have used steroids to become more muscular
1 out of every 4 college aged woman has an eating disorder
The survey shows the average British woman worries about the size and shape of her body EVERY 15 MINUTES - more than men think about sex (every 20 minutes). Only a tiny 2% of women in the UK are 'happy with their body and more than seven out of 10 women think 'their whole life would improve GREATLY if they had a good body' (71%).
Almost a THIRD of British women say they 'constantly worry about their body - every waking minute' (29%) - and on average they wish they were 19lbs slimmer. On average, women wish they were 19lbs slimmer and HALF of ALL women think their body size and shape 'spoils their sex-life' (51%)
They put their whole body under the microscope and are dissatisfied with every part of it - 87% hate their 'podgy thighs', 79% are unhappy with their
'waist', 65%