Ashley Savoir
Post University
With the case study on Zappos and their WOW through service idea, there are some concerns that arise from the design they have implemented. Although the idea is certainly original and it shows that when times were tough for the company they still showed appreciation to the employees, there are some items that just would not be seen by the customer. This article provided an insight into the attitude of Zappos, however, as having been a customer of their site previously some of the statements were not the same as I had seen when I shopped with them. They were operating just as an average company would have.
Some of the challenges that Zappos is facing when competing to be the best online retailer are that they will be limited to what they can sell in stock. Certain brands that are higher end may be more desirable but also more expensive and encouraging customers to purchase more than one for the sake of sizing options would be seen as inconsiderate to them. Sellers like Amazon have multiple locations with massive warehouses matched by the independent vendor availability that EBAY can offer a buyer. This is a very larger growth for a company like Zappos to expect in a reasonable span of time.
Training and Development
The means to which they interview potential staff is not only unconventional, but possibly unprofessional given the situation. They ask questions like “How weird are you” which may be taken as an insult to some people and make the company look rude to prospective employees. However, questions like “what is your theme song” are wonderful and original thought provoking improvisational material to see how well someone responds on the spot. Customer service representatives are going to deal with people in all different moods and having many different solutions to their complaints and each need to be handled with care and attention. They are meeting these challenges
References:,. (2014),.5th.edition.(0073530344). Retrieved 27 October 2014, from