Dqveloping a Supply Chain to Deliver WOW!
"^'*:bff:,3; Zeppos.coM: DevnloprNc A SuFpLy CHArN To DELTvER wow! Our rleckion r**s a/r+'erys to focur on ser"r,ir:s bet*tuse we gal instunl feet{be& whenever we delivery. Customers were wawed by the experienrc, and rhxn they told a banch of peaple. Änd u'ord of mouth *'arh.s u lat faster on the Internel than it dots persfln'to-pr:rscn because you cün jus! e-ft?üi{ out a bunclr af your friends and say, 'hey I just hatl lhis ilmüzing expericnte.' That wan ene ofthe re^qons that we wanted ta fteep upgrading shipping.
Lin. Chairman. CüO. and CFO of Zaonas'
In late 2008, iess than tr0 years after its founding, Zappas anticipated reashing annual gross säles of Sl billion, When its founder first proposed the idea of selling shoes online, the coücept was greetcd with intense skcpticism. Despite the chailengos, the c$mpany had achieved dramatie success. It was the world's largest online retailer of shoes, was profitable, growing rapidly, and had an outstanding reputation for customer service. Its employees were passioüately. engäged in their work. While shoes still provided the vast üajüriry of reyenues, Zappos had expanded its product offerings based on feedback &om custcmers and the enthusiasm of