
Zinczenko's Theoretical Summary

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Zinczenko's Theoretical Summary
Zinczenko explains in his article that it is not our fault for our obese state of health. Zinczenko attributes this to the fact that corporate food companies do not label their products with correct nutritional information. “There are no calorie information charts on fast-food packaging, the way there are on grocery items (Zinczenko 893).” This is not only wrong, but it is tricking customers into buying products when they have no way of knowing what is in them. When there are “more than 13,000 McDonald’s restaurants (Zinczenko 893),” it is hard to find healthy food. When you make fatty fast-food cheap and convenient, weak minded people fall for those corporate tricks. He gives an example by talking about how companies tell people a salad is 150 calories, but after you add the almonds and chicken and dressing it is a whopping …show more content…
His ethos drives you away from agreeing with him because he forces it and blames too much on the company and not enough on the person who chooses to put it in their body. On the other hand, Balko has a very strong ethos because he leaves beliefs and personal experiences out of his argument. He goes on to say that it is your choice to put things into your own body. This strikes most people and catches their attention since we all want to believe that we have a choice. Another thing Balko does to persuade readers is he gives a solution to the problem. He says, “That means freeing insurance companies to reward healthy lifestyles, and penalize poor ones. It means halting plans to further socialize medicine and health care. Congress should also increase access to medical and health savings accounts, which give consumers the option of rolling money reserved for health care into a retirement account (Balko 899).” Zinczenko complains about what is happening more than suggesting a way out of it. This gives Balko a stronger logos than Zinczenko in the

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