1. In order to be a good leader you must be a good follower ……………….3
2. The qualities which leaders and followers share………………………......3
3. Distinctive qualities between a good leader and a follower……………….4
4. The Best Methods of being a good leader…………………………………..5
5. The qualities which a good leader must possess…………………………...6
There has been always considerable discussion about connection between great leaders and good followers. It is said that in order to be a good leader person should be a good follower. In my point of, a good leader is the person who also has been a good follower, person who has proven oneself ability to follow the instructions, who can subjugate one’s will to the will of others who has undertaken the responsibility of leadership, able to make constructive comments and debate issues when necessary and able to stand up for the principles in which one believes. The person who can manage to perform about mentioned missions can be called a good follower. However, it does not mean all good followers become always good leaders. There are some people who are astounding as choir singers but awful as choir directors. There are many great followers who are not good leaders. Nevertheless, it should be noted that good leaders and good followers usually posses the same characteristics and responsibilities which may be the main reason for considering an opinion that a good leaders also obliged to be a good follower. Leaders the ones who have brought our life many changes, make differences and make our life more interesting and interactive. But, if there were not followers there would not be a good leader, as, followers the most essential assets of a good leader.
1. Some people understand a leader simply as somebody whom people can follow or as someone who guides or directs others,
References: 1. Barbara Kellerman [2009] “How Followers are Creating Change and Changing Leaders” Available [online]: [March 17, 2009] 2. Carol Giannantonio[2011] “A Great Leader Is A Great Follower” Available [online]: [July,2011] 3. Dale Carnegie [2010] “How to Win Friends and Influence People” Available [online]: [February, 2008] 4. Fortune Magazine[2014] “Fortune ranks the World 's 50 Greatest Leaders” Available [online]: [March, 2014] 5. Gwen Moran[2007] “A person who influences a group of people towards the achievement of a goal” Available [online]:[September 26, 2007] 6. James M. Kouzes and Barry Z. Posner[2010] “The Truth about leadership” Available [online]:[September, 2010] 7. John C. Maxwell [1998] “The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership ” Available from: [September, 2008] 8. Rik Kirkland[2006] “Leading in the 21st century” Available [online]: [ November, 2013] 9. Ronald E. Riggio[2013] “Leaders lead. Followers follow“Available[online]:[April, 2014]