A Holistic Student is a student that demonstrates essential skills for success in the classroom. It is important to be a holisitic student because you will achieve academic success, gain good habits for learning, and you will have the skills to be able to give exceptional presentations.
You will achieve academic success if you are a holistic student because the skills you will demonstrate will benefit you in the classroom. A holistic student demonstrates skills such as attendance, participation, and reaches teachers epectations. If you have exceptional classroom attendance you will always be present for any information that is given, allowing you to have all the information needed to complete assignments and know what is going on in class. Attendance is essential because you will be able to learn directly from your instructors, giving you the means to interact with your instructors to make sure you understand any information given. You will also recieve important updates and assignments, which will keep you on track with the class criteria. Classroom etiquette includes raising your hand, resisting temptation to chat with others, and cellphone responsibility. A holistic student raises their hand, constantly asking questions, to clarify any information given by the teacher. This is a form of participation, which is essential in achieving academic success. By participating you are asking questions, volunteering, reading, being an active listener, and paying attention by not daydreaming or tuning out when the teacher is speaking or when completing assignments. Participating keeps you focused on what is going on in the classroom. Being focused goes hand in hand with academic success because you will understand everything you learn, therefore making it easier to do well on tests and in class assignments. Every instructor sets the bar in their classroom of what is expected of students and they demand for you to meet