9 March 2011
“A Leap of Faith” Everyone in the world has faith in something or someone whether it’s God, themselves, or material objects. Do they even know what faith is? According to Webster’s New World Dictionary, the definition is, in a nut shell, “unquestioning belief and complete trust.” With that said it broadens the idea of faith. I believe faith is an absolute belief in someone or something. Now let us explore what the basic concept of what faith is not. Faith is not mistrust or doubt. So although you may believe someone is telling the truth, the fact of the matter is that you really do not have faith in them if you have the slightest doubt in the back of your head that they are lying. Another example of what faith isn’t is shown in today’s U.S. court systems. The jury has to believe without a shadow of a doubt or have complete faith that the person on trial did not commit the crime. Discovering what faith is not was somewhat easy, but there are plenty of examples of what faith truly is. An example of faith is in friendship. When you become a true friend to someone you have the utmost reliance that you feel like you can trust them whether it is with secrets, feelings, or you just need someone to talk to you know you can trust them. You expect them to be there for you constantly and to be respectful of your opinions. The funny thing is, is that once someone betrays you the friendship is over and it takes a lot to make it work again. That person is lucky if you ever talk to them again or ever trust them again. An example of religious faith is the Christian’s belief in God and the bible. For centuries Christians have followed the bible and believed every word that is in it. In fact the whole concept of Christianity is nothing short of an absolute belief in God and that sins need to be repented and they’ll have everlasting life. In order to follow their lord they have to have unrelenting trust that one day, as
Cited: Webster’s New World Dictionary. 4th ed. Michael Agnes Ohio: Wiley, 2002. Print.