2.What is the context?
3.Meaning seems to be...
4. Dictionary definition is... treachery “After the siege and the assault has ceased at Troy, the city had been destroyed and burned to brands and ashes, the warrior who wrought there the trains of treason was tried for his treachery…”
From all that had taken place
Betrayal of trust; deceptive action mirth “The King lay royally at Camelot at Christmas tide with many fine lords, the best of men, all the rich brethren of the Round Table, with right rich revel and careless mirth.”
Amusement comelier “Truly no man could say that he ever beheld a comelier lady than she, with her dancing gray eyes.”
Pleasant to look at trifles “Thus the great King stands waiting before the high table, talking of trifles full courteously.”
Small talk
Little value vesture “And all his vesture verily was clean verdure, both the bars of his belt and the other beauteous stones that were set in fine array about himself and his saddle, worked on silk.”
Clothing; Dress dais “This hero turns him in and enters the hall, riding straight to the high dais, fearless of mischief.”
Head table
Seats of honor; throne
“If any warrior be wight enough to try what I propose, let him leap lightly to me and take this weapon…”
Unfortunate person; ghost recreant “And so come, or so it behooves thee to be called recreant.”
Cowardly boon “Give me now this gisarm, for God’s sake, and I will grant thy boon that thou has bidden.”
Helpful or beneficial villainy “Gawain was known for good and as refined gold, devoid of every villainy, adorned with virtues.”
Criminal behavior warred “Sometimes he warred with serpents, and with wolves also, sometimes with savages that dwelt in the cliffs”
Engaged in war penance “Do this penance now, and soon things will be better!”
Voluntary self punishment arduous “There was meat, there was