Abuses of power and authority
Sgt Butcher
Grabs Jamie around the throat and threatens him.
Breaks windows and later sets the school on fire
Blames Jamie and tries to turn the town against him
Locks Jamie in the police Wagon – Jamie nearly dies
Behaves as if he is above the law – he is judge and jury
Kidnaps Jamie and leaves him bound to a pole in a remote shack to die
Covers up the the death of the refugee man on the boat
Kidnaps the refugee girl and kills her to cover his earlier crime
Kills Mc Pherson
Kills the troubled boy and blackmails Lorraine about her relationship
At the end of the story Butcher sets fire to the boat where Jamie is hiding.
Why do you think Butcher got away with so much for so long?
Why does Butcher pick on Jamie? Clue: think about the other boy.
Lorraine has relationship with a young man in her care – which is breaking the law and professionally unethical ( even if above the age of consent)
Lorraine lies to protect herself and is scared of Butcher.
She warns Jamie but doesn’t protect him
She flees only to perish whilst trying to cross a flooded stream. Lorraine is weak and scared of Butcher. She fears losing her job and going to jail for having a relationship. She fears Butcher more because he murders the boy
Constable Mc Pherson
McPherson was on the boat with Butcher. He feels responsible for the old refugee man who is killed by Butcher. He doesn’t think it was self protection. He thinks Butcher committed murder.
He feels weak and frightened that he could go to jail if Butcher lies about what happened. He feels he is being trapped and forced to stay in Port Barren. So he turns to alcohol to wash away the pain.
Constable Robb
Constable Robb is reluctant but forced to do Butcher’s bidding.
Robb protects the boys when they are hiding in the boat
Robb tells Cameron where to find Jamie
Robb doesn’t act until he has evidence, even though he is suspicious about Butcher and