A person who I admire very much is my sister. Why my sister is the person? She is not a world famous or multimillionaire person, but she is a very important character in my life. I save my admiration for her because she is a special woman. I admire my sister because take care of me when I was little and the same goes now. I love her very much not only because she is my sister but the way she acts and her personality herself fascinates me. She lives with me, in our home house with my parents. I grew up with my sister and she has always been my best friend. My sister's name is Nanthini. She is eighteen years old but she is not eighteen for me .She will be always young and when she will be in her thirties, forties, or older.
She is studying at a University in Kulim. Looking at her, it is not difficult to see why she relates so successful. She has beautiful black hair and large round brown eyes. She also has charming smile that makes her face is radiant. She is quite tall and slim. She wears fashionable and elegant clothes that highlight her perfect figure. All the features of her appearance show how beautiful she is and she speaks very original, very smooth in hearing the voice.
She has strong personality, trust her and everything above she knows how to live her life. She has many positive character traits. Firstly, my sister has a lot of friends, because she has a reputation as a friendly and sociable person. She is extrovert and communicative. Secondly, she is very helpful and loving. Therefore, you can always rely on her. If I am having a bad day she is always there to help make it better. That is why my sister Nanthini has never failed me. At the same time, she knows how to appreciate things. She is smart, she has patience with people and she is very determined and knows what she wants to achieve in her life. She is very ambitious and always reaches her goal. She is also a great leader, a natural born leader and most of it is