The movie titled “Accepted” vividly shows how vital the role of education is in the lives of every individual. Its essentiality gives a tremendous impact to one’s existence as it helps everyone become a complete being. Education as I firmly believe is the key tool towards one’s success. It is the best treasure that our parents can give us that nothing can compare with it. The knowledge, skills and the values must be acquired for it helps us become a globally competitive individual. The genuine purpose of education is for self-discovery, self-development and self-fulfillment of the students. This simply means that it helps students discover and develop their potentials in life which could be used into a greater advantage in the pursuit of becoming a productive citizen in the society. Moreover, students should be given the right to express themselves by doing the things that would make them feel fulfilled. They should not be hindered in pursuing and making their dreams come true just because they are incapable of being and in becoming such. Instead, they should be supported by both parents and the school to make all their aspirations be possible and real.
Thus, education serves as the equilibrium of every individual especially the students despite the differences that they have in terms of social status and academic competency. It must be fairly felt by every one for they all deserved it. Education should encourage them to become the person they want according to how they envision themselves to be. And it should also make them feel that they are fully accepted so that they will not feel any discouragements and inferiorities.